Saturday, August 31, 2013

Try to remember

As we get closer to leaving the country, something came up that had not occurred to me.  One of the forgotten matters to deal with is just what to do if we are hospitalized in a foreign land and want to get back to a hospital in the states?  I found that shopping for a plan to fly back to the US with a medical evacuation team is a big deal and you really have to ask questions about the "SMALL PRINT."  Some will fly you to the closest hospital stateside, while others will fly you to the hospital of your choice.  That to me, being married to a operating room nurse, made my choice of policies easy... get the one that takes you to the best hospital of your choice for your particular issue.  As my wife has worked in the operating rooms of some of the best hospitals in the country, I want to go wherever the injury or ailment will be treated the best.  The closest hospital is not always the best choice....... so, stay tuned as we get closer to leaving the country I'm sure more things will come up!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Too much to do

Well, we are another day closer to leaving.  Now, we plan for immunizations for our out of the country travel, and leave the comfort of our regular MD's that know us by name, for potential unknown third world foreign medical "professionals?"

We have done this before, in all the Travel Nursing jobs we've been on from coast to coast, but this time it is different.  I don't know why, but, maybe, because this adventure is one that we are not going to get paid for not in money, but in memories and vast new experiences, we are elated, frightened of the unknown, anxious to get going, know we have basically no control over our future days abroad, but hope to regain that sense of wonder and the moment to moment feeling of being there in each nanosecond with no thought of what can happen, what has happened, just what is.  Life is now.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The date has finally arrived 9/6/2013

Finally, the actual date to start to Live Life after Work has been set. We are full of emotions from fear to elation, not knowing just how to begin to live off schedule is an odd feeling. All of our adult lives we have been doing some sort of work that required a time frame to either start, finish, arrive, leave, oh you all know what I'm trying to say. There has always been something that had to be done by the hands of a clock.

Well, now we have to figure out just what Life After Work really means...... do we sleep in or get up early? Do we go visit our friends who for so long have said "come on down" or thrash around the house or yard for a couple of months just looking at each other. This really will take some time to get used to. We have no place that we have to be! Do we eat at the "regular" time or do each of us just pick at food whenever we have the urge? 

I know that we have always said "when we have the time we will______"[fill in the blank].  I guess, we will have to learn as we go what the blanks will be. I do know we are filled with more joy and wonder than we can express.

So close to the finish line

We are thinking that a blog would be a great idea to keep our friends up to date on our adventures into Life after Work. We all have our own ideas of just what our futures hold, but when the time comes to really get out of the workforce and set out on the rest of your life, it can become a scary and frightening time. So, as we get our thoughts together we will put them down as though you are on our adventure with us.   Welcome to the TIME WE ALL WORK FOR,  THE TIME TO STOP!